Wow My last post was in December beginning!! Days going busy busy with house shifting and setting up…phew..
Haven’t been reading much these days. Did pick up “His Dark Materials” trilogy by Philip Pullman, and have been reading that on and off. Finished the first part – Golden Compass and have begun with the second part – Subtle knife.
Lyra, a 11 year old girl who is the protagonist of this story is supposedly a blessed child, destined to bring about huge powerful changes in the world. She is shown to be curious, bold, with great intuitive powers. This story is set in an universe parallel to ours. And here the human beings have a inseparable part of themselves called daemon, which generally is in a form of an animal. This daemon is actually a part of the person, so if it is separated from the person by some power, it kinda means a death like life for the person or even death. Phew. Also this world has witches and talking bears. Anyway, so the story has a plot in which few bad goons led by Mrs Coulter, who is utmost charming and cunning at the same time, are conducting some experiments on kids to separate their daemons. All this because it is somehow related to “Dust”, which is never fully explain in the book [and that is why the second and third parts exist ;-) ]. All that I could gather was that “Dust” is somehow related to “Original Sin”.